

  • QC model double girder overhead crane with magnet

    QC nlereanya okpukpu abụọ n'elu kreenu nwere magnet

    Aha ngwaahịa: QC nlereanya crane okpukpu abụọ nke nwere ihe ndọta
    Ibu ọrụ: 5t-35t
    ogologo: 7.5-31.5m
    elu elu: 3-30m

    Ezubere kreenu n'elu QC ka ọ rụọ ọrụ na ụlọ ọrụ ime ụlọ ma ọ bụ n'èzí maka ijikwa obere akụkụ ígwè.QC Electromagnet Double Girder Overhead Crane bụ crane pụrụ iche maka ibuli na ịkwaga ngwaahịa igwe, efere nchara na ọkpọkọ nchara.Ike mmịpụta electromagnetic nke kreenu n'elu nwere ike ịdịru nkeji iri ka agbanyụrụ ọkụ.

  • QL model double girder overhead crane with rotating elecromagnetic hanging beam

    Ihe nlere QL nke nwere ihe mkpuchi elu okpukpu abụọ nwere oghere elecromagnetic na-atụgharị

    Aha ngwaahịa: QL nlereanya okpukpu abụọ n'elu kreenu nwere eriri elecromagnetic na-atụgharị
    Ibu ọrụ: 5+5t-30+30t
    ogologo: 7.5-31.5m
    elu elu: 3-30m

    Ihe mejupụtara kreenụ QL okpukpu abụọ nwere eriri Girder, ngwaọrụ njem crane na trolley nwere ngwaọrụ ebuli na ihe na-akpụ akpụ.E nwere Pave okporo ígwè maka trolley akpali na isi girder.The isi girder nkwonkwo na n'akụkụ abụọ na-ejedebe ụgbọ ibu nke na nkwonkwo ebe n'etiti.

  • Double girder overhead crane with haning beam (paralleling with the beam)

    kreenu ihe n'úkwù okpukpu abụọ n'elu ya nwere nku nku (ya na ntu ahụ yiri ya)

    Aha ngwaahịa: kreenu ihe n'úkwù okpukpu abụọ nwere nku nku

    Ike: 15-32t

    Ogologo: 22.5-35m

    elu elu: 16m

    The kreenu nwere slewing ebu-beam eji maka loading, ebutu na-ebu ígwè efere, profaịlụ ígwè, na spool, wdg Ọ bụ karịsịa na ọdabara ebuli ihe dị iche iche nkọwa na nke chọrọ kwụ n'ahịrị.

    Onye na-ebu-beam bụ ihe owuwu cross, nke a pụrụ ịdabere na ya ma nwee ezigbo nchekwa nchekwa ma nwee ọrụ ụfọdụ nke igbochi swinging, akụkụ ala nke ihe na-ebu ibu nwere ike iweta ngwa ngwa na-ebuli elu pụrụ iche, dị ka magnetik chuck na tongs, wdg.

  • High quality overhead crane 1t to 20t end carriages

    Igwe mkpuchi elu dị elu 1t ruo 20t

    N'elu crane ọgwụgwụ carriages na moto a ga-esiri Wheels, Motors, buffers, Collector base, girder joint plate and bolts, etc.European-style end beam adopts rectangular control, CNC na-agwụ ike na egwe ọka integrated ahaziri igwe ngwá ọrụ, a otu oge mmecha nke oghere, na-agwụ ike, ịkụ ala.F usoro reducer, oghere aro mbanye, elu na-arụ ọrụ larịị, oke ọsọ mgbanwe nso, na-ewu ewu n'ebe nile.

  • Grab Crane Waste Crane And Garbage Overhead Crane For Wastes Management

    Jide kreenu mkpofu crane na ihe mkpofu dị n'elu maka njikwa mkpofu

    Ijikwa mkpofu, kreenu ijide, kreenu mkpofu, ma ọ bụ kreenu ihe mkpofu bụ nnukwu ọrụ dị n'elu nke ejiri bọket grab, nke a na-eji ejikwa ihe mkpofu ọkụ, yana igwe maka mmanụ ọkụ ewepụtara, yana maka nhazi na imegharị ihe.

    Igwe ihe eji ejide obere akpaaka maka njikwa ihe mkpofu bụ isi akụrụngwa nke sistemu mkpofu ahịhịa nke ime obodo nke ime obodo.Ọ dị n'elu olulu a na-echekwa ihe mkpofu ma na-ahụ maka inye nri, njikwa, ịgwakọta, ịnara na ịtụ ihe mkpofu.